Brookfield, Stainton with Hemlington, and Hilton Church Family (Plurality)


Updated: 9th January 2025

Safeguarding in our three Parishes.

You can find out about our Safeguarding at these links: Stainton, Hilton and Brookfield

Please click on the link required and then scroll down the webpage that appears to see the safeguarding information.

Our Parish Safeguarding Rep is Bob Ardley - contact details here.

The York Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) is Rob Marshall - contact details here.

Hilton Pop-in

Important Note: Starting w/b Monday 16th March 2020, because of the Coronavirus outbreak, the Wardens' Pop-In is suspended for the time being. We hope that "normal service"  can resume in the near future.

Everone Welcome!

The Hilton Church Wardens' "Pop-In" will be held every Wednesday morning in school term-time from 10.00-11.00am in the Church  Come along for a cuppa (*) and a natter, and make new friends.

(*) There is no charge for the refreshments!

Page last updated: Monday 16th March 2020 9:55 AM
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