Brookfield, Stainton with Hemlington, and Hilton Church Family (Plurality)


Updated: 7th March 2025

Safeguarding in our three Parishes.

You can find out about our Safeguarding at these links: Stainton, Hilton and Brookfield

Please click on the link required and then scroll down the webpage that appears to see the safeguarding information.

Our Parish Safeguarding Rep is Bob Ardley - contact details here.

The York Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) is Rob Marshall - contact details here.

Make a donation to Stainton Church

Supporting the work of Stainton Church with a donation

Stainton Church does not receive any funding from the Government; it relies on the generosity of its members, friends and others who give a donation at a service or via a Bank Transfer/Standing Order.

It costs about £28,000 per year to run the Church: that is about £2,400 per month or £540 per week.


Can you support the Church by making a donation in one of the following ways?

  • By a cash offering in the collection basket during Sunday service in the Church.
  • By making a Bank Transfer to the PCC account using the following details:

Account Name: Stainton in Cleveland PCC     Sort Code: 20-56-74            Account No: 80835374

  • By making a Contactless or Chip-and-Pin credit card or debit card donation using the payment terminal in the Church; alternatively you can click on this link or scan this QR code with the camera or a QR App on your smartphone.


  • By donating via SMS Text message

Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us. If you would like to donate but don’t wish to hear more from us, please text STAINTONPCCNOINFO instead.

Text STAINTONPCC “amount” to 70085 to donate £amount

eg       Text STAINTONPCC 5 to 70085 to donate £5.

Text STAINTONPCC 12 to 70085 to donate £12.

Text STAINTONPCC 20 to 70085 to donate £20.

Thank you so much for whatever you can give!



Page last updated: Friday 6th December 2024 6:15 PM
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