Brookfield, Stainton with Hemlington, and Hilton Church Family (Plurality)


Updated: 23rd August 2024

You can find out about our Safeguarding at these links (click and scroll down to see the info): Stainton Safeguarding, Hilton Safeguarding and Brookfield Safeguarding

Our Parish Safeguarding Rep is Bob Ardley - contact details here.

The York Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) is Rob Marshall - contact details here.

You can find our contact details at the bottom of the page.

Welcome to all

We offer a very warm welcome to all who visit our website.

Please have a look at the links in the menu below (click on the three bars to open the menu) to see what is going on in the three Parishes in our Plurality (*)

St Peter and St Paul, Stainton with Hemlington

St Peter, Hilton

St Margaret of Scotland, Brookfield


(*) A Plurality is "Church-of-England-speak" for a group of Parishes - a Family of Churches - that shares a Vicar or Priest-in-Charge. For more details please see the Church Staff tab.

History of Brookfield Church

The Parish of St Margaret of Scotland, Brookfield.

The Church family at Brookfield was originally a daughter church of Stainton parish, a "Church Plant" in the days before such terms were in common use. St Margaret's Church building was built by, and on land given by, Duncanson's the local builder/property developer who built the Brookfield estate; the Church was built in 1960 and dedicated in 1961. The Church continued as a daughter Church of Stainton Parish until 1988 when St Margaret of Scotland, Brookfield, became a Parish in its own right.

Page last updated: Wednesday 12th July 2017 5:12 PM
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